13 mind-bending thoughts about photography
1. Taking a photograph is like taking a screenshot of life
2. You are in the background of other people’s holiday photos.
3. Before photography, people didn’t know what they looked like as children.
4. Before photography, nobody knew what they looked like with their eyes closed.
5. The two ends of a panorama are set at two different points in time.
6. Before colour photography, there was no good reason to take photographs of rainbows.
7. An older photograph of you is of your younger self.
8. The photograph of you that might be displayed at your funeral might already exist.
9. Camera lenses are circular, but photographs are rectangular.
10. Il should be pronounced photography.
11. Your Instagram account is a reverse timeline of your life in photos, from old to young.
12. Taking photos of your food is like taking « before » photos of your poop.
13. Every photo that you take is a once in a lifetime photo. Make it awesome.
Created by Matthew Rycroft
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